Book 3

Jean-Luc Sauron (ed), Guide pratique de procédure devant les juridictions de l'union européenne, 2018, Editor : L.G.D.J, ISBN : 978-2-275-02910-8, Pages : 248, Price: €45

The book covers, in an accessible and practical way, all the topics regarding the institutions and the rules of procedure for litigating cases before the EU Courts.
Written by referendaires and an official of the Registry of the EU Courts, the book intends to present, in a structured manner, all aspects of the jurisdictional procedure of the EU, with a specific focus on practicalities and providing advice to practitioners bringing proceedings before the EU courts. To this end, diagrams and models are intended to help the reader understand the rules and their application.

Divided in two main parts (proceedings before the General Court and before the Court of Justice), the book contains 12 chapters that also deal with topics that are often overlooked in other books. For example, there is a fairly long analysis of the characteristics of the submission, the style, and the language of proceedings. Also very interesting is the chapter relating to hearings.

To be clear, the book is not a one-stop-shop. Indeed, many issues of substance are not dealt with. But this was not the aim of the book. Considering that the book was intended to help lawyers find their way through the procedural rules of the EU Courts in a practical way, the book has brilliantly achieved its goal. 

It is practical, clear, essential but also rich in detail. Although the book is addressed primarily to lawyers, students will benefit from it because they will be able to understand in a very user friendly style the intricacies of procedural rules. Highly recommended.

Riccardo Sciaudone
Reviewed June 2019

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